New Aluminium Windows for office building from London distributor

New Aluminium Windows for office building from London distributor

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Here are DM Window Solutions in London we are the leading supplier & distributor of aluminium windows for a wide range of buildings including offices. We distribute numerous types of aluminium windows for our customers across London and the UK. Aluminium windows have grown in popularity for a number of reasons including that they can last 20 to 40 years, making them a great long term investment. Our experts can help you choose the best aluminium window option for your specifications.

What are some characteristics of our aluminium windows?

Here are some top features that are part of our aluminium windows:

  • Aluminium windows offer a sleek and modern look
  • Our aluminium windows are coated in long lasting powder finishes
  • These windows are lightweight but very strong
  • They offer high levels of insulation which ensures thermal retention, thus you spend less on energy to heat your office
  • Aluminium windows are suitable not only office settings but are also for your home
  • Aluminium windows are highly recyclable which is great for those who are looking to be more environmentally friendly
  • They are resistant to corrosion
  • Our aluminium windows are configurable to different styles – you are bound to find an option that you like and suits your needs
  • Lastly, they are clean and slim which allows for better light entry

What makes our aluminium windows stand out from others on the market?

There are a number of reasons why out aluminium windows stand out in comparison to others on the UK market. Some of those reasons include:

  • High quality
  • Affordable prices
  • Constant improvement and innovation of our timber casement windows
  • Large assortment
  • We are experts in manufacturing, supplying and installing traditional English windows on the UK market

Aluminium Windows – FAQ

Are aluminium windows expensive? 

Aluminium windows are a great investment, the are worth every penny. When you decide to purchase aluminium windows, you can be sure that you are getting your monies worth. The quality of our aluminium windows is definitely worth the money.

Do aluminium windows require maintenance? 

We suggest that you clean the glass at least once a month, while the aluminium frames can be cleaned every two or three months. However, there are no rules when it comes to how often these windows should be cleaned.

We do recommend that when you go to clean our aluminium windows to use a non abrasive cloth along with a mild soap and warm water. This will allow you to remove any dirt without damaging your windows.

In some cases you may need to spray the hinges with silicon spray to ensure smooth functionality of your aluminium windows.

What colour aluminium can I get from my office windows? 

We can make aluminium windows in a wide range of colours, most likely we can match your current fixtures to suit your business. For more information on colour, contact our experts.


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What is the cost of purchasing aluminium windows for my office from a London supplier?

The price of aluminium windows from a supplier, will vary depending on the quantity and the exact product. For more information about our pricing, contact us.


Aluminium windows for commercial property near me:

We supply our aluminium windows for our customers in London and across the UK.

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