How to Maintain Timber Windows

How to Maintain Timber Windows

Women in the Window

Timber has become an extremely popular choice for windows due to its efficiency and durability. Timber is also far more eco-friendly when compared to other common window materials such as uPVC or aluminium. Opting for timber window frames has several great benefits, although you must take care of your windows to prevent them from becoming worn or damaged.


Fortunately, timber maintenance is relatively straightforward, and some simple tasks will ensure your windows stay in excellent condition. On that note, here are some useful tips on how to maintain timber windows.

Clean timber regularly

General cleaning will help keep your timber windows in the best condition and extend the lifespan of the wood. Experts recommend cleaning timber window frames at least twice a year to remove dust and dirt. However, try to give your window frames a quick clean on a more regular basis to help protect the decorative finish of the wood. Use a soft cloth and soap mixed with water to wash the timber. Do this gently and avoid using any harsh cleaning products or chemicals that could damage the wood surface. Make sure that you remember to open the windows and clean all the surfaces including the corners, hinges, and sashes.

Apply a new surface coating

You should inspect your timber windows annually and apply a new surface coating whenever the wood starts to appear worn or damaged. For instance, you may notice chipping or peeling paint. New timber windows may not require re-surfacing for several years. Following this period, it is normal to repaint timber windows every five years or so to keep the surface looking fresh.


You can add a new coating using a specialist timber wood paint or a wood stain. Applying a new surface coating also allows you to revitalise the appearance of your windows by choosing a new colour or finish. Make sure that you clean a timber window frame thoroughly and allow it to dry completely before applying a new surface coating. It is also a good idea to sand down the frame before painting to ensure a smooth finish.

Inspect timber for damage

You should inspect your timber window frames regularly to check for signs of damage. This may include blistering paint or cracks in the foundation. Damaged timber should be repainted or resurfaced straight away to help protect the integrity of the window frame. Even a small crack in the wood surface can expose the timber to serious damage caused by moisture or other elements. Repairs should, therefore, be carried out as soon as the damage becomes apparent. You can use resurfacing products to conceal cosmetic damage such as scratches and improve the visual appearance of the timber


Timber is made from strong natural materials and is extremely durable and resistant to damage. That said, you should still complete some general maintenance tasks to help keep timber in the best possible condition. Use the above suggestions to care for your timber windows and keep them looking their best.

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